After you have added a bank account, you are required to submit a bank statement. If you have not added a bank account to your Fasset account, you can check the steps here:
- How do I link my bank account (Indonesia)
- How do I link my bank account (Global)
- How do I link my bank account (UAE)
Valid bank statement
The bank statement should be issued within the past 3 months in a JPEG, PNG, JPG, or PDF file format. Screenshots are not acceptable.
A valid bank statement should include the following elements:
1. Bank Logo
2. Statement of account
3. Date
4. Name and address
5. Account number
6. IBAN & swift cod
7. Footer
You may hide or blur out any optional information but cropping the document is not allowed.
Access bank statement
Steps to access a bank statement:
1. Visit your online banking website.
2. Log in to your account.
3. Click on Monthly statements.
4. Choose to generate PDF.
5. Upload your bank statement to Fasset.
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